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December 2, 19523 of 3 pages click link at bottom to view other pages
Webmaster's Notes
depicted on the mural are the following (left to right):
scenes from the following movies: Mark of
Zorro, The Black Swan, Nightmare Alley, Blood and Sand, The Rains Came, The Mississippi Gambler, Lloyd's of London, Marie Antoinette, The Razor's Edge (There is one movie listed on the name tags that I can't determine which movie it is.)
- The stage play that Ty did on a cross-country tour, as well as on Broadway, John Brown's Body, is depicted
- Linda interrupting Ty's rehearsal of John Brown's Body
- the church in Italy where they were married
- In the foreground of the church, is Linda and their baby, Romina
- The scene to the far right depicts their first meeting in 1947, which was in Mexico, during the filming of Captain from Castile
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